I find it odd that Teachers in our public school system are responsible for raising money for classroom supplies.
Every parent knows, if you have a child in the Public School system, the teachers will ask for help with classroom supplies. If you talk to teachers about it, you will hear them say, “it’s kind of a crapshoot, sometimes you get great support and sometimes you don’t.”
If they don’t get the support, the teacher has to buy the shortage of supplies or the kids go without. This is why we have created Kick-IN For Teachers Classroom Support Program.
Our goal is to take the classroom supply burden off the shoulders of teachers.
Why should you support this Program?
I believe, the vast majority of people reading this article, can remember a teacher that has had a big impact on their life.
I sure can!
There I was sitting in my fourth grade classroom looking blankly at a crossword puzzle. Then I hear the teacher tell the class, “Those that are finished please hand in the puzzle.” To my surprise and horror everyone passed in his or her paper. While I’m sitting and staring at one finished question.
In elementary school I had a lot of trouble keeping up with the other kids in reading and writing. When I read a book my comprehension was great, but it took me at least twice as long to read the book than the other kids.
So my Fourth Grade Teacher Mrs. Rainart took the time to have me tested and discovered that I have dyslexia. In the 70’s dyslexia was far from a common thing, this took real effort and desire on Mrs. Rainart’s part to get me diagnosed.
It’s hard to express just how much I appreciate what she did for me. I honestly don’t know how I would have handled it, going forward and not knowing why I was having so much trouble.
Teachers are the key to our children’s future. More and more smart and caring potential teachers are passing on teaching as a career. Low pay and crazy policies, like having to provide your own school supplies, is contributing.
We may not be in a position to increase teacher’s pay, but as Benjamin Franklin once said, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” And that is the goal of Kick-IN for Teachers. Saving the teachers from the expense of classroom supplies. Money saved that can be put away for a nice vacation or taking the family out for dinner. And not having to be spent it at Wal-Mart, just so they can do their job!
So how can you help?

Kick-IN For Teachers has its first Fundraisers at, Jim Graden’s Martial Arts & Fitness. March 30th starting at 10:00am. This event is a combination of Open House and Fundraiser (see Flyers for details). We are going to have a Kick-A-Thon for the Kids and a Kick Box-A-Thon for the Adults (no experience needed for either one). Plus raffle prizes, refreshments and martial arts and fitness kickboxing demonstrations.
All monies raised go to filling a pantry, at my studio, that Pinellas County School Teachers will have easy access to, at no cost to them. We are also encouraging participants, in addition to participating in the fundraisers, to bring in school supplies.
We have always believed in supporting the community and giving back. For over 35 years we have sponsored fundraisers for All Children’s hospital, little league baseball, breast cancer society, American cancer society and many others.
I was also the president of the National, Award Winning Project Action Foundation. In fact my friend and partner in Project Action, Kevin Walker, is working with me on this initiative.
So please join us March 30th and help us Kick-IN For Teachers!